StartUp Advisor:

News, Insights & Research

A Selection of content to help entrepreneuers on their journey

StartUp Founders: To Build A Great Company You Have To Be Able To Listen & Understand thumbnail

StartUp Founders: To Build A Great Company You Have To Be Able To Listen & Understand

As a startup consultant, I believe that one of the most important traits that successful startup founders possess is the ability to listen and understand. To build a great company, startup founders need to be able to actively listen to their stakeholders, such as customers, employees, and investors. They should not only hear what the […]

StartUp Founders: The Purpose Of The First Call Is To Get To The Second Call thumbnail

StartUp Founders: The Purpose Of The First Call Is To Get To The Second Call

As a startup founder, one of the most important lessons you can learn is how to make the most of your first conversation with potential investors, recruits, or customers. The goal of this initial interaction is not to tell your entire story, but rather to establish a foundation for a deeper relationship that will lead […]

B2B SaaS StartUps: Don’t Ignore Q5 (& The Opportunity To Close Deals) thumbnail

B2B SaaS StartUps: Don’t Ignore Q5 (& The Opportunity To Close Deals)

As a B2B SaaS startup founder, you may have heard about the opportunity to close deals during the fifth quarter, also known as Q5. In a recent video, startup advisor and investor Mark Suster explains the reasons why Q5 can be a great time to close deals, and how you can take advantage of it. […]

StartUp Founders: Being Fast Is Not All About Speed thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Being Fast Is Not All About Speed

Starting a business is exciting, but it’s also a lot of work. There’s so much to do, and it can feel like there’s never enough time to get it all done. As a startup founder, you may feel like you need to be constantly moving at breakneck speed to keep up with the competition. But […]

StartUp Founders: Engage With Your Users thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Engage With Your Users

As a startup founder, it’s important to be obsessed with creating an open line of communication with your early users and showing gratitude. While it may be difficult for a multi-billion dollar company to maintain this level of personal touch, there are still simple ways to start the process. Unfortunately, many founders ignore this crucial […]

StartUp Fundraising: How Does Your Solution Align To The Future State? thumbnail

StartUp Fundraising: How Does Your Solution Align To The Future State?

As a startup founder, raising funds for your business can be a daunting task. But it’s important to keep in mind that investors are looking beyond just the present moment. They are investing in the future and the potential for long-term growth and success. According to James Sinclair, a startup consultant, it’s crucial to understand […]

StartUp Founders: Use The Right Fuel To Make Incredible Decisions Fast. thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Use The Right Fuel To Make Incredible Decisions Fast.

As a startup founder, making quick and brilliant decisions is key to success. But with an endless to-do list, international teams, and customers in different time zones, it can be tough to keep up. That’s where three performance-enhancing “drugs” come in, according to James Sinclair, a startup consultant. In a recent talk, Sinclair shared his […]

StartUp Founders – B2B SaaS – Show An Impactful Metric thumbnail

StartUp Founders – B2B SaaS – Show An Impactful Metric

As a startup consultant, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges that companies face when trying to position their product in the B2B SaaS market. One of the biggest changes that has occurred in recent years is the expanded role of the CFO in all purchasing decisions. No longer just going through acquisitions and procurement teams, the […]

StartUp Founder: The Voice Of Your Customers thumbnail

StartUp Founder: The Voice Of Your Customers

As a solo entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in making decisions solely based on what you think is best for your company. However, it’s important to remember that your decisions ultimately impact your customers, investors, and employees. That’s why StartUp Consultant, James Sinclair, suggests using the “Empty Chair” technique to make sure you’re […]

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