StartUp Advisor:
StartUp Founders: Create A Framework, Not A Routine
It’s a common misconception that a rigid routine is essential to success. While routines can be helpful for maximizing efficiency and keeping you on track, they can also be limiting, especially for those who love what they do. As I tell my clients, it’s essential to create a framework instead of a routine. Frameworks give […]
StartUp Founders: Start with Harvard’s CS50x Course (Introduction To Computer Science)
I understand the struggles of non-technical founders who feel overwhelmed by the idea of learning technical skills. However, it’s imperative to level up and gain at least a basic understanding of your startup’s technology. The great news is that there’s a fantastic starting point for anyone with no experience in programming: Harvard’s free course CS50x […]
Non-Technical StartUp Founders: Level Up Your Skills ASAP
There are non-technical founders who believe they can delegate all technical aspects of their business to others. However, this is a misguided approach that can be detrimental to your company’s success. You owe it to yourself, your partners, your customers, your employees, and your investors to level up and become at least basic level technical. […]
Non-Technical StartUp Founders: How Can You Have A Tech Company?
As a non-technical startup founder, engaging with an agency or engineers to build your MVP can be daunting, especially if you don’t have a mentor to guide you, but there are things you can do to make the process smoother and ensure you have a say in the technical decisions being made. Firstly, don’t just […]
StartUp Founders: You Can Still Raise Seed Capital Even Without A Network
Many founders have hit a wall and needed funding to take their business to the next level. However, raising seed capital from angel investors can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have an existing network or credibility. But don’t worry, there are ways to increase your chances of success. Here are three key […]
First Time Entrepreneurs: Work at a Startup First Before Starting Your Own
Aspiring startup founders often face a dilemma when deciding whether to take the plunge and start their own company. While it’s an exciting prospect, there are risks and challenges associated with starting a new venture. However, there is a solution: work at a startup before taking the leap. Working at a startup allows you to […]
StartUp Founders: Take Security, Trust & Compliance Seriously From Day 0
Some founders believe that security, trust, and compliance are features they don’t need to prioritize at the initial stages of their business. It’s a common misconception that such matters can be fixed later down the line. However, this is far from the truth. Security, trust, and compliance are foundational pillars of your organization that cannot […]
StartUp Founders: Convert Your Customers Into Partners & Advocates
Converting customers into partners is one of the most effective ways for founders to accelerate their sales process. When a customer has a vested interest in your success, they become more than just a paying customer. They will go above and beyond to help you succeed by providing testimonials, references, case studies, and even becoming […]
StartUp Founders: Can You Overcome Bad News & Adversity?
It can be difficult for entrepreneurs to navigate the often-turbulent waters of building a business. One of the key challenges that many founders face is dealing with bad news and adversity. It’s a fact of life that things rarely go according to plan, and setbacks are all but guaranteed along the way. The question is, […]