StartUp Advisor:

News, Insights & Research

A Selection of content to help entrepreneuers on their journey

StartUp Founders: What do you see that I don’t? (Vision) thumbnail

StartUp Founders: What do you see that I don’t? (Vision)

In the realm of entrepreneurship, an intriguing query consistently piques my curiosity: What do you, the founder, perceive that remains unseen to others, such as myself? As an experienced startup consultant, I frequently find myself enamored by the innovative products and the significant market problems entrepreneurs are striving to solve. Their solution, often, seems perfectly […]

StartUp Founders : Separate Your Solution From The Problem thumbnail

StartUp Founders : Separate Your Solution From The Problem

In the voyage of entrepreneurship, understanding and articulating the problem your startup aims to solve is a paramount task, often more crucial than the solution itself. I’ve observed that many founders lead with their solution, extolling its capabilities, features, and functions. This approach, although not entirely misguided, often obfuscates the real issue at hand. My […]

The Sole StartUp Advisor thumbnail

The Sole StartUp Advisor

What is a startup advisor? For a seed to Series A / early Series B startup, the advisor might be the only ally, coach, or formal mentor to the CEO / Founder(s) in assisting them in navigating the complexities associated with scaling a company, a product, and a team balancing the immediate short term requirements […]

StartUp Founders : Get out of the NDA & Stealth Zone thumbnail

StartUp Founders : Get out of the NDA & Stealth Zone

In the entrepreneurial sphere, a common trait I’ve observed among founders is an acute sense of protectiveness over their ideas. This propensity often manifests as an obsession with non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and maintaining a “stealth mode” to prevent others from copying their innovative concepts. While the instinct to guard one’s brainchild is natural, I wish […]

StartUp Founders : You have to learn how to listen (understand the signals) thumbnail

StartUp Founders : You have to learn how to listen (understand the signals)

In the dynamic world of startups, one’s ability to listen effectively – to understand the signals, can make or break a venture. I have often underscored the importance of this skill in my practice as a Startup Consultant, and a particular incident reinforced this value to me. A response to one of my posts sparked […]

StartUp Founders: Who is telling you to STOP? thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Who is telling you to STOP?

In the world of startups, I often witness a spectrum of innovative ideas and the passion that founders bring to the table. However, there’s a critical aspect of this journey that is often overlooked – the presence of a dissenting voice. Let me explain. Consider your inner circle – the network of people supporting you […]

Does My StartUp Need A Co-Founder? thumbnail

Does My StartUp Need A Co-Founder?

In the exhilarating journey of launching a startup, one of the most pivotal questions a first-time entrepreneur often grapples with is: Do I need a co-founder? As a Startup Consultant, I’m here to provide some perspective on this dilemma. The rationale behind wanting a co-founder often stems from the perceived gap in skills and knowledge […]

StartUp Founders: Control Your Clock Speed (Release Velocity) thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Control Your Clock Speed (Release Velocity)

In the journey of establishing a startup, there are numerous variables that, as a founder, you simply cannot control. However, there is one fundamental aspect that lies within your purview, and that’s your “clock speed.” The term “clock speed” in this context signifies the speed at which you can go through a product’s lifecycle – […]

StartUp Founders :: Present The Company You Want To Be thumbnail

StartUp Founders :: Present The Company You Want To Be

As a startup founder, you soon realize that much of the journey is marked by unpredictability. Various elements, such as market dynamics, customer behavior, and the fortuitous aligning of circumstances are beyond your control. These variables can either conspire against you or, in an ideal world, weave together to create the perfect environment for your […]

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