StartUp Advisor:

News, Insights & Research

A Selection of content to help entrepreneuers on their journey

StartUp Founders: Friction Kills. Marie Kondo It. thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Friction Kills. Marie Kondo It.

Founders’ obsession with speed is akin to a squirrel on espresso – hyperactive and directionless. You don’t want speed, you want velocity: momentum in the right direction. For founders, before the user journey, before the wireframes, before the before, comes the 5 pillars of the user journey.

StartUp Founders: Create Lovers Not Users. Even in V1. thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Create Lovers Not Users. Even in V1.

Gone(ish) are the days of “launch fast, fix later” or bare-bones Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Users today have low tolerance for clunky interfaces, frustrating experiences, or lackluster support. Why can’t we exceed expectations from the first interaction? This is the era of Minimum Delightful Product (MDP).

StartUp Founders: Do The SWOT Analysis. Please. thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Do The SWOT Analysis. Please.

As a founder, never lose sight of what you’re here to do. Strip everything back to that one critical feature your app or service must-execute flawlessly aka the job to be done. Then, reverse-engineer the path to achieving it, pinpointing the must-haves to make it happen.

StartUp Founders: Find Your One Titan thumbnail

StartUp Founders: Find Your One Titan

Founders. Get a mentor. Get an advisor. You don’t know it all. Every legendary entrepreneur will tell you, the real cheat code was finding that one guru, that oracle who has been there, done that, and was willing to share the playbook.

Your Right to Exist: The StartUp Problem Statement thumbnail

Your Right to Exist: The StartUp Problem Statement

This isn’t just a mere slide in your pitch deck. The StartUp Problem Statement is the entire thesis that continually validates your startup’s right to exist.

The StartUp Value Chain: Where Do You Fit In? thumbnail

The StartUp Value Chain: Where Do You Fit In?

The founder journey demands a profound understanding of your startup’s place in the ecosystem. The (non)linear path between solution success and customer success is mapped via the Value Chain.

SaaS 2.0: The Evolution to ‘Software And Also Services’ thumbnail

SaaS 2.0: The Evolution to ‘Software And Also Services’

For SaaS startups, services aren’t the enemy of SaaS – they’re the growth catalyst. Your SaaS offering is the core, akin to an assembly line. Your goal is to get it as commoditized, efficient, optimized, lean and profitable as possible.

Startup Investor Updates: A Weekly Ritual for Resilient Leadership thumbnail

Startup Investor Updates: A Weekly Ritual for Resilient Leadership

Embarking on the startup journey demands strategic tools, and one often overlooked gem is the weekly investor update. Whether your startup dances with external investors or not, crafting a weekly recap isn’t just a ritual; it’s a roadmap to resilient leadership.

The StartUp Founder’s Guide To Investor Updates thumbnail

The StartUp Founder’s Guide To Investor Updates

You are your startup’s first, largest, and most activist investor. Your duty to yourself, your alter ego (your startup), and external stakeholders is to ensure transparency, progress, and growth.
It’s called an Investor Update.

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