The StartUp Founders Rebellion: Choosing Kindness

"Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
— Mark Twain

The StartUp Founders Rebellion: Choosing Kindness

Dear Reader,

In the StartUp world, we often glorify the grind, the hustle, and sometimes, the cutthroat tactics. It’s easier to be a secret jerk; it’s harder to be truly kind. ​(𝕏 tweet this)

In light of recent events that remind us how fragile our world is, let’s talk about something we often overlook in the startup hustle, the choice to be kind and the impact it can have on your StartUp.

Being kind isn’t just a “nice-to-have”; it’s not a guarantee for long-term success, and it might not even help you sleep better. That’s what makes it hard.

In a world quick to reward the loudest and most ruthless, choosing kindness is your act of quiet rebellion. It turns customers into evangelists, employees into loyalists, and founders into leaders worth following.

Empathy and kindness make you more attuned to your customers, their challenges, experiences, and expectations. No question, you’ll build a better product.

This week, be that founder. Listen, understand, act with empathy. It’s not just good karma; it’s good business.

Until next week, make the hard choice: be good to one another.

— James

(LinkedIn | Twitter | Tiktok)

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