What If An Angel Investor Asked You These 3 Questions?

To thrive as a startup founder, embracing intellectual curiosity and a commitment to continuous learning is vital.

As a startup founder, it’s crucial to cultivate a habit of continuous learning and intellectual curiosity. Imagine an angel investor asking you these three questions:

  1. What was the last book you read, and when?
  2. Can you tell me something new that you learned in the last two weeks?
  3. What was the last topic that took you on a deep dive of understanding?

If you’re not thrilled with your answers, that’s alright. However, it’s a signal that you may need to re-engage with reading and focus on continuous education. High-performing founders share a trait of insatiable curiosity, becoming well-rounded generalists in various subjects. They recognize that everything connects, and expanding their knowledge base helps them flex their critical thinking skills, enhancing their performance at work.

Warren Buffet, the legendary investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, once said, “Read 500 pages every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.” By adopting a consistent reading habit, you not only enrich your understanding but also equip yourself with valuable insights that can be applied to your startup.

If an angel investor were to ask you these questions, wouldn’t you want to provide impressive answers? Remember, continuous learning can only benefit you and your startup. Good luck on your journey toward becoming a well-rounded, intellectually curious founder.

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